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Water Flow Meter 水流量计


Water Flow Meter


Precision Instrument design and manufacturing company G-Flow has commissioned us to develop a new casing for their water flow meter with remote reading capability. This product is needed for farming, water irrigation facilities and anywhere, where a flow of water inside pipework needs to me monitored. This product has been successfully showcased at a trade exhibition in Chicago in 2015 and is now in production. Design completed in 2015

精密仪器设计制造公司G-Flow ,委托我们开发一种新的具有远程读取功能水流量套管仪表。本产品可适用于农业、水利灌溉设施等其他任何地方且管网内的水流具有自我监控功能。该产品已于2015年在芝加哥贸易展上成功展出,目前正在生产中。设计完成于2015年。


Chinese Design Patent for the housing of the Water flow meter bearing the name of  the designer Martin Jochman in Chinese

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